Saturday, March 15, 2008


Carson has been right by my side through my 23 things. Any time I have the computer out at home he has to be in the chair beside me pushing any button I can't keep his hand away from. He loves the videos. As I went to other sites to visit and comment on, he recognized the green screen and wanted to play the videos. He looked for Clifford and Mickey Mouse everywhere. When we made his video he chose the pics and the music. Animoto has been a hit with our family. Both boys now have a video and Chris has used it too. He is good enough that when he placed his video on his site ( he used html code to adjust to what he wanted.

Cody' Football

Children's Book Week

Friday, March 14, 2008

under the wire

Just in time, I finished. It hasn't been easy. I flip flopped on whether I was going to invest the time to finish before the deadline. (and believe me, I used every minute of it) I enjoyed it and see myself visiting and revisiting the blogs and activities to become more familiar with the tools. I have to practice for anything to stick. Some of the things that were my favorite were the Animoto site, the trading card maker, and the online image generator. I think in the long run, I will enjoy the wikis. I enjoy reading and participating in the Mockingbird one Anna created. Creating one myself will take practice and patience.

As far as the program, I loved the layout and the self pacing. (even though I took the entire time) I liked it so much that I forwarded it to other teachers on my staff and even a couple of family members. This is something that I think is worth while and is helping me become a better librarian. I think this is some of the best staff development I have experienced. I would gladly participate in a similar program.

I am not the C-tech on campus but many people turn to me with problems to trouble-shoot. I need to be as current as possible with technology and ways to apply it. My C-tech, Carla Middleton and I collaborate well together and I work with the best staff in the world. Everyone is willing to collaborate and try new things. I hope to practice over the summer and implement some things during the next school year. I have already used some of the tools and have had a positive response from teachers.

thing #23

Creative Commons is something I think I may have seen before but not have known what it was. I have seen the symbol before on image searches with Google. Now I can say I know what the symbol stands for. As I visited the site, the video helped me understand the concept better. By sharing work, people can be more productive. As I searched for topics, I liked how the results had abstracts to help me determine which results would be a best fit. I think librarians could use this to create and share research units or collaborate with teachers. It made me think of Promethean Planet where you can go search and use flip charts that other create and submit.

blog posting #17

I have opened a Zoho account. I haven't received a confirmation e-mail so I am not sure if the account is valid. We will see when I try to post this. As I have looked around in Zoho and at other people's postings, I realized that the possibilities of this are much more than I originally thought. I think one of the most useful aspects of this is that others can collaborate with you online. I like that there are so many options to create in.

  • word
  • excell
  • power point

I understand that I am not actually in those programs but in a web based version of them but the familiar formats help with creating the documents. One thing I think I would like to try with this is a spread sheet coordinating library resources and title I resources available for teachers and students.  

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

thing #22

I LOVE THIS!! This is my favorite thing of all. I do yearbook on my campus so I am kind of like the school photographer. I always have pictures. This was easy to do and easy to get on my blog. That hasn't been the case with everything. I think the kids would love this as long as it could be linked to the curriculum. I can see me doing some of these with my personal pictures. Carson was with me when I did this and he enjoyed the video and liked Clifford in particular. I think we will have a lot of fun with this!