Friday, December 28, 2007

thing #6

I am adding to this post because I am currently using this tool with a small group of 1st graders. On my campus I work with a group of 12 first graders pulled from the 3 first grade classes and two groups of second graders (one group of 7 and one group of 6) pulled from the 3 second grade classes. These are the high readers and I pull them at the same time many of the students are pulled for acceleration so that the teachers can concentrate and with with those in the middle. We read the book Dinosaurs Before Dark and now we are researching individual types of dinosaurs. Students will then create a trading card with an image and characteristics of their dinosaur. Once the card are complete, I will print them, allow each student to share their card with the group then trade them if they like. They are so excited about this. I am learning through experience that I probably not do another novel with them but continue to do small research projects like this with them.

The Flickr tool I played with was the trading card tool. I chose it because my son loves collecting trading cards and therefore I think it would interest McKenzie students. I used personal pictures and school pictures to experiment with and as I practiced the cards looked better. I am certain students will be able to use the tool to create cards much more elaborate than the ones I created. I think I could use this with students in an author or genre study. I think it could also be used to illustrate characters or topics.

Monday, October 22, 2007

thing #5

Uploading photos to Flickr was easy. Uploading photos from iphoto to the blog was easy. I had trouble uploading from Flickr to the blog so I did it from iphoto. Here it is.

thing #4

Way I could use a blog to benefit my campus include:

*Sharing tips such as how to use Nettreker or how to overide the filter with teachers
*Sharing great books for read alouds and strategies to use with those books
*Sharing ideas for classroom activites
*Allowing students to review books they have read

thing #3

This was too much fun. It's a good thing there were instructions on how to upload it to the blog, and a good thing Debbie and Mary came by and told us that it was probably through saving or we would have waited and waited and waited.

thing #2

My opinion on the 7 1/2 Habits of a Lifelong Learner is that it is common sense. I think that the hardest thing about accomplishing this is commiting the time. We all have busy lives and finding, no making the time to work on myself. Usually I am on the back burner to whatever is most important on my campus or in my family. The easiest thing for me would probably be to play. I generally keep a positive attitude and am like a kid when it comes to playing.

thing #1

What I would like to learn from participating in Learning Web 2.0 is how to use technology consistantly. I learn something then lose it because I don't practice it enough. In the past, using technology with students was difficult because we didn't have access to laptops. Now we have a set in the library and I feel like I am the only thing that could limit students. I have experimented with podcast and the kids are so excited about using the technology. They learn with enthusiasm and that is something that is often sadly absent.

Setting up the blog was much easier than expected. Playing is more fun in a group and I enjoyed the creativity at my table.