Monday, October 22, 2007

thing #5

Uploading photos to Flickr was easy. Uploading photos from iphoto to the blog was easy. I had trouble uploading from Flickr to the blog so I did it from iphoto. Here it is.


dustyshelf said...

You are ahead of me...I'm still treading in Flikr. There are just too many interruptions at school to keep focused! I think your picture is great!

Teresa said...

I had a hard time with uploading with Flikr, too! I finally figured it out: I had to be signed in to my blog, then once I decided on the pic I wanted to upload from Flikr, I needed to click on "Blog This" (or something like that) right above the picture in Flikr. Then it went directly to my blog, like magic. In the meantime, it took most of a Saturday to figure it out!