Monday, January 14, 2008

thing #10

This was fun I just wish I was more creative with my words. My favorite image generator site was the custom sign generator. I liked the fact that it had many links to different image generating sites. I also like the fact that when you scrolled across the link it gave an example of what the image would look like. This helped me choose the sites I would be more interested in before I went to the link. My favorite sites were the Comic Strip Generators, the Post It Note Generator,and the Safe for Kids site.

Some of the ways I might use these would be images for the website, a bulletin board or maybe to create a special bookmark for a particular reason. I haven't thought of a great way to use them with students yet but I am sure I will find a ton of uses once I read everybody's postings on thing #10.

Here are some of the images I created.

1 comment:

Zeeburt said...

I love your images! Now that I've finished the initial program, I'm going back and playing with tools and reading all of the blog posts I didn't get to. You've inspired me to check out more of the image generators - I think they have many uses.