Monday, January 14, 2008

thing #9

I hate to admit this about myself but I find that I am not much of a blogger. Out of these tools I found that I like to use the Edublog Award winners. I think the reason I liked this was because it was pretty simple and straight forward. I wasn't randomly searching. It had categories and several choices to compare within the category. Most of the others I found somewhat confusing or just not worth the effort. Another thing that I found interesting and annoying at the same time is that the internet is world wide and I may be reading something that is going on or relevant on the other side of the world instead of my world. As of right now, I like the Google Alerts much better. If I were to search out individuals to converse with professionally, I would use e-mail because I honestly believe that there is no other school district out there doing things better than Mesquite.

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