Wednesday, January 30, 2008

thing #14

This is all very new too me and before starting our 23 things, I don't think I had ever heard of Web 2.0, Business 2.0 or Library 2.0. Based upon my experience and reading so far, Library 2.0 means, to me anyway, taking the tools out there available on the Web and looking for creative ways to use them in my library program to better serve my patrons. Being an elementary public school library means that I have a distinct population to serve, and maybe everything out there is not a specific fit for my campus. I think what this means in regards to public school libraries is that information is moving at an incredible speed these days and we must keep up with it in a way that is beneficial and safe to our students and staff.


learninglou said...

I agree that everything is moving at a fast pace, and we cannot use everything that is available, but we do need to be aware of what is going on in the library world.

rileyreader said...

I am curious. Since you said you were an elementary public librarian, which library do you work in? I might know you!